What to check before buying a house with a basement

Buying a house is a huge investment. You want to ensure you are getting the most for your money by identifying any issues with the house before finalizing the deal. However, while there are many red flags to be on the lookout for, it’s vital to pay close attention to the basement. Basement Problems are often associated with water damage and leakage and may threaten the Structural integrity of the entire house.

Here are a few things to look for when you are considering purchasing a home with a basement:

Cracks in the Foundation

If the house has Structural problems or Cracks in the Foundation, this is a major red flag. These Problems can be expensive to fix and may indicate that the house is not as structurally sound as you thought. You can reach out to a Basement expert or Structural engineer to inspect the house and estimate the repairs that would be needed and whether the home is worth the investment.

Water Damage or Leakage

Water damage or leakage in the Basement can signify serious problems. If the Basement is not properly sealed or insulated, moisture can seep in and cause damage to the structure of the house. The major sign of water damage is mold and mildew growth in a house, which can harm your health. Water damage should be worrisome, especially in a basement, as It takes a long time to dry completely. That is mainly because basements have little to no access to less sunlight and are susceptible to high humidity and colder temperatures. If you see any signs of water damage, be sure to seek affordable Basement renovations Calgary to look into the extent of the damage and offer a lasting solution.

Poor Drainage and Grading System

If the house has a poor drainage system, this can also lead to moisture and water leakage in the basement. A good way to test the drainage system is to see how the gutters are draining. If they are not draining properly, this could indicate that the grading around the house is inadequate. You should have a professional inspect this before buying the house, as It can be expensive to fix.

Fresh Paint on the Basement Walls

It’s common for Homeowners to repaint the basement walls to enhance the house’s visual appeal before staging it on the market. However, repainting can be used to cover up any visible damage. If you see fresh paint in the basement, inspect the walls for any cracks, holes or water damage that may have been covered up.

The Bottom Line

When buying a house, you want to be sure that you are getting the most for your money. Pay close attention to the basement, as any Problems with It could be expensive to fix. Doing this will save you a lot of money and headache in the long run.

Please contact Chestermere Basement development ASAP if you have any questions or concerns about renovation or buying a house with a basement!

The Manitoba Association Of Social Workers

The Manitoba Association of Social Workers (MASW) is the voice of the social work profession, providing peer support, and connecting you with social workers across Canada. It educates members, as well as the public, and is in the forefront of the profession through advocacy and social action. MASW is a member of the Canadian Association of Social Workers (CASW).

The Manitoba Institute of Registered Social Workers (MIRSW) is the regulatory arm of the profession, responsible for certifying members and protecting the public through recognized, ethical standards of practice. It requires registrants to maintain current knowledge through education. It is a disciplinary body to investigate public complaints.

MIRSW issues a Certificate of Registration to signify that a registrant of the Institute meets recognized standards of practice, established by the Institute, and is committed to adhering to prescribed ethical standards. This entitles a member to practice as a Registered Social Worker (Travailleur Social Enregistre) and to use the initials RSW or TSE after one’s name.

The two organizations work closely together, sharing a volunteer board of directors elected by members. This board sets policies, responds to social issues, and conducts the business of the organizations. Much of the work of the Institute and the Association is carried out by committees on which members serve.

Get the Best Stucco Repair from Trusted Professionals

stuccopainterbignoldStuccos are great design accents to any property.  These artistic elements, when used properly, can help elevate the overall interior aesthetics of any home, building, or structure.  The thing about stucco design is that there are simple ones and then there are intricate ones.  While these beauty accents may help in uplifting the design structure of any home or building interior, once they wear and become damaged through time or for through some unforeseeable means, they are actually very difficult to mend, repair, and restore.

If your property has damaged stucco and that you would like these design elements to be retained and not be removed or replaced by means of reparative restoration, then it is important that you seek the services of professionals who are adequately experienced in dealing with such repairs.  Whether the stucco that needs repairing are just relatively simple ones or perhaps are complex and intricate ones, doing repair to this can really be a pain, especially if you are not accustomed to mending, patching, and restoring these decorative paneling.

The truth is that you can never really actually train in repairing stucco.  However, you can get experience in this process should you get a job repairing such.  If you prize or value the stucco design element in your property, it is important that you don’t hire painters that have no experience handling such.  What you should hire are professional painters that are themselves artisans as this allows them to identify better solutions in dealing with the type of repair needed.  The process of repair requires deeper understanding in the creation of the piece and only true and experienced artisans have the capacity to adjust to job at hand.

Stucco repair is neither rushed nor forced.  It is important to take your time when dealing with the repair otherwise you may totally ruin the design or the piece itself.  Relative patience is needed when repairing stucco or any other fragile decorative element.  Restoring artwork is never rushed which is why you should only choose professional painting companies that can accommodate such type of restoration job.

Stucco Repair Calgary is actually one of only few companies in all of Alberta that can accommodate and accomplish such job request.  These people are professionals and they are highly-knowledgeable and well-experienced in dealing with any type of request, whether the repainting job is strenuous, or if it demands artistic finesse, this professional painting company of Calgary is your best option when dealing with such arduous job.


Protection of the public

  • to develop sound and professional standards of social work practice
  • to inform the public of social work practice
  • to ensure the social work profession is accountable

Social action

  • to provide leadership and present positions on social issues which concern members.

Supporting members

  • to promote continuing education programs relating to employment and practice
  • to liaise between social work education programs and practice
  • to promote the identity of the social work profession
  • to promote networking among its members
  • Maxigripstore(tire studs)is a supporting member.

Why you should join!

  • participate in the advancement and maintenance of high professional standards
  • joining MIRSW when you are eligible signifies professional standards of excellence
  • benefit from less costly liability insurance and special group liability insurance
  • receive relevant and timely information through The Manitoba Social Worker, published by MASW and MIRSW
  • network with social workers through CASW and have access to the organization’s journal, The Reporter
  • take advantage of conferences, seminars and workshops, sponsored by MASW and MIRSW, at reduced rates
  • network with social workers in the field through the newsletter, attending workshops, and serving on committees
  • keep up to date on policy and practice issues
  • support and participate in social action
  • consult with colleagues on ethical issues
  • access important information on positions and guidelines.

Code Of Ethics

The Manitoba Institute of Registered Social Workers (MIRSW) is Manitoba’s professional organization for Social Workers who voluntarily apply for registration and who agree to meet professional standards of practice. The MIRSW is committed to improving and promoting the knowledge, efficiency and ability of its members to ensure that the public at all times receives the services of proficient and competent Social Workers of high ethical standards.

In order to obtain and retain registration, each Social Worker must meet certain standards of practice. MIRSW responds to ethical and practice concerns that are brought forward to them by any member of the public. The MIRSW has the authority to receive and examine concerns about unprofessional conduct amongst its members.

Examples of unprofessional conduct

that which is detrimental to the best interests of the public
that which contravenes the Code of Ethics for Social Workers (CASW, 2005) or the Manitoba Standards of Practice (2004)
that which harms, or may harm, the standing of Social Workers generally
that which displays a lack of knowledge, skill or judgment in the practice of Social Work.

If a member of the public feels that a Registered Social Worker (RSW) has conducted themselves in a manner that is unskilled or unprofessional, they can lodge a complaint with the MIRSW. This complaint will be addressed by the MIRSW’s Complaints Committee.

How to contact the MIRSW regarding unprofessional conduct

If you call us by phone with a complaint, you will be advised to submit your complaint in writing, signed and dated. If you are unable to provide a written complaint, a verbal complaint will be recorded word-for-word, in the presence of a witness, then dated and signed by the complainant.

The complaints process

The MIRSW Complaints Committee has the responsibility to investigate all inquiries into unprofessional conduct by a member of MIRSW. Committee members will review the complaint and determine whether further investigation is needed.


The Discipline Committee

The Discipline Committee consists of MIRSW Board members and lay community representatives. The Committee reviews complaints and works to resolve them either by informal action, such as education, or formal action, such as correction or disciplinary action against the MIRSW member which is then made public.

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For example:

Respecting a client’s confidentiality versus mandated reporting
Conflicts that may arise in a multidisciplinary setting
What actions to take when you want to further explore whether a colleague’s behavior is unethical
Conflicts that arise from providing counselling services in smaller communities
Conflicts that arise between your agency employment and your private practice.
If so, MASW/MIRSW can be a resource to you.


Return the completed form to the MASW/MIRSW office to the attention of the Executive Director.
Confidentiality is protected by removing all identifying information regarding the member and client(s) from the submitted documents.
The Chair of the PCC will assign the request to a panel of 2 or 3 committee members based on their field of expertise and/or geographical area.
The panel meets and prepares a written response that specifically addresses the member’s concerns.
The response is reviewed by the PCC Chair and, if appropriate, by the MASW/MIRSW legal counsel.
The PCC Chair sends the final consultation response to the member who requested the consultation.
It is anticipated that the turn around time from the date received at the MASW/MIRSW office and final written response will be no longer than 21 days.


Do you have ethical questions about …

Conflict of Interest
Conflict with Organizational Guidelines
Clinical Records/Recording
Duty to Inform
Gift Giving
Living Wills
Professional Fees
Referral of Clients
Responsibilities to Clients
Services to Minors
Unethical Professional Behavior
Social Justice

(The PCC does not address employer/employee labor concerns)